Berks Homes is proud to announce that Kelly Rushin, our Online Sales Coordinator, has received the Silver Award honors for Online Sales Counselor of the year from NAHB's National Sales and Marketing Council (NSMC) for The Nationals new home sales and marketing awards.Kelly is dedicated to her work and has a passion for online sales. She took the initiative to understand Berks Homes, our customers, and the unique needs of our organization. Kelly worked closely with Do You Convert and designed a strategy that aligned perfectly with Berks Homes' goals and values and played a pivotal role in building their OSC program. Thanks to Kelly's extraordinary work ethic and an unwavering commitment to Berks Homes, she has not only met the expectations of her role but has consistently exceeded them. Her positive attitude, ability to adapt to changing market dynamics, and collaborative talent have set her apart as a truly exceptional team player.The Nationals salutes and honors the best in the building industry — including home builders, developers, associates, and consultants — for their determination, integrity, creativity, and endurance. Silver Award Winners are the top vote recipients in each category and are the finalists for the Gold Award. Gold Awards in each category will be presented on February 27 in Las Vegas, NV."The Nationals are the most prestigious awards of their kind, setting the benchmark for innovations in new home design, marketing, and sales," said Lori Asaro, chairperson of the Nationals. "NAHB's commitment to recognizing originality, imagination, and success has been exemplified by its award winners since the competition's inception."Started in 1982 as the Institute of Residential Marketing, The Nationals Award program continues to recognize superior new home sales and marketing achievements. With 61 categories across various disciplines of the new home industry, the awards honor excellence in product and community design, advertising, marketing, and sales achievements by individuals and sales teams.To view Silver Award winners or order event tickets, visit